Friday, November 11, 2011

problem of adult men

There are tips from a doctor issues a grown man who has a deficiency in intimate relationships. The following tips from the experts, 
Surely you've seen or perhaps heard many advertisements about "How To Enlarge Penis to 6 cm, etc. .." 
Whether it's on offer Internet advertising, media, newspapers, and so on. 
Many e-books and methods of selling information on how to Enlarge Penis or Maybe you've heard the number of ads on ways to enlarge penis in newspapers and who is famous style of Mak Erot 
Do you know, actually what methods do they offer? 
One of the methods they offer are massage or Sort method, wrapping the hot water until there is also a method that uses acupuncture to injections 
There was a FACT that 98% Of Men When Purchasing Product Such information is THEY DO NOT even try! aka NO CHANGES TO THE CONDITION Mr. "P" Them! 
Other Facts and rarely exposed by the media is, more than 89% of Men who want to Penis Enlargement Program Following the method offered has suffered losses both psychologically and physically to the condition of Mr.. "P" them. 
Check out what sexology expert comment when asked about the methods in massage therapy and massage or bandage a lot of hot water in the offer by a lot of advertisements everywhere, 
"Oh, I think, it's very dangerous! With sorted in such a way, maybe the penis can be enlarged. But not a muscle is enlarged, but solely because of swelling. 
If the swelling is gone, will automatically return to its previous size. But it is very dangerous is that too often in sequence, blood vessels and nerves around the penis actually CAN DAMAGE HEAVY.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Physical Effects Of Steroids & Much More

Get Informed About The Physical Effects Of Steroids & Body Building

The physical effects of steroids can be both positive and negative.Of course most people are looking for the positive physical effects of steroids in order to improve their physical performance and to gain a competitive edge to enhance their success in various sporting events.

But the biggest reason for using steroids is simply to take the easy way to get a great body instead of putting a little bit of effort into effective body building programs.
The temptation to find an easy way to increase physical capabilities is tremendous. Most people involved in body building try various types of supplements (some legal and others not) or go a step further and acquire steroids to try and get the positive physical effects of steroids even if it is a risk to their health.
This section on the physical effects of steroids explains how some steroids may give you some short-term gains, but these gains (that not everyone in body building will experience) may do more harm than good down the road.
The goal of this section on the effects of steroids and the many other sections on steroids & body building on this site, is only to give you the facts and is not in any way to promote or suggest that you try any steroids or illegal supplements in order to improve your body building efforts.
There are only a few main positive effects of steroids that can be noted as being effective for most in body building or any sport. But as you may already be aware, some of these physical effects of steroids can cause quite a dramatic improvement.
Before continuing, you need to realize that you can get the positive physical effects of steroids just by using a scientifically developed body building program like the one found by clicking here.
It's because of the dramatic improvements that a lot of people will do anything to get steroids even if it means a high risk to their health and freedom.
The first of possible positive effects of steroids is an increase in your over-all lean body muscle.
This happens due to an increase in your body's ability to produce the proteins needed for intense muscle contractions, energy production and the storage of energy.
The second positive effects of steroids is strength. Some steroids may help to regulate the movement of calcium in your body's cells, which can lead to an increase in the speed and force of the contraction of your muscles.
Not so positive effects of steroids in body building or any sport is an increase in aggressive behavior which although it may help you to do more physical work it can often lead to undesirable consequences and can compromise your results.
In general, the possible positive effects of steroids may include:

  • Increased muscle size
  • Increased muscle strength
  • Increased aggression
  • A perception of improved performance
  • Increased motivation
  • Decreased fatigue

In a good body building program like the one found by clicking here, your muscles will be stressed to the point where they have no choice but to increase in both size and strength in order to meet the effective workload they're constantly placed under.
Positive effects of steroids such as strength and size gains are gained by your body's ability to increase the amount of protein inside your muscles. Your body's protein requirements are controlled by nitrogen balance.
You must be able to eat an adequate amount of protein throughout the day – and every day of your body building program – and be able to process, absorb, and retain nitrogen to support your body building efforts.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Bodybuilding Gyms Can Offer A Lot Of Benefits But Do You Know What To Look For In The Best Bodybuilding Gyms

Bodybuilding gyms offer a lot over a typical home gym. But how do you decide which bodybuilding gyms will suit your needs and goals?
Thankfully you can really choose a number of good body building gyms that are right for you. In almost every neighborhood in every city in North America you can find a decent gym.

In fact, in a lot of locations you'll find more than 1 gym in less than a five minute drive of your home.
Almost everyone is participating in some sort of fitness activity and so there has been a demand for quality gyms. For most people involved in body building in particular good bodybuilding gyms have become as popular as coffee houses.
In the past, most body building enthusiasts just needed a bar, some weight plates and a bench. And most of the bodybuilding gyms were dirty, dark, had scary members and were located in the worst parts of the city.
But today this has all changed. Almost all bodybuilding gyms are bright, open, have brand new equipment (and lots of it) and as mentioned before are located in almost every neighborhood.
On a side note: if you have already found one of the best bodybuilding gyms in your area and need some top quality body building programs, click here.
A lot of body building gyms just offer one basic membership, and for most body builders, that's all that's needed. However, for those body builders who like to pick and choose their own membership package, use it for a brief trial membership, etc. there are a lot of choices.
When you do decide to join one of the best bodybuilding gyms around there are a few things that you need to keep in mind.
Choosing between body building gyms involve some vigilance. Here are some basic guidelines to help you narrow your choice of bodybuilding gyms down to just one:
Open up the phone book and make a list of all the body building gyms that you can find.
Ask you friends if they know of any good body building gyms.
Call several body building gyms to find the best ones that match your goals and of course the amount of money you're willing to spend.
Here's one that most people don't think about. Contact the Better Business Bureau to see is there have been any complaints made against particular gyms.
When you go to check the gyms out, make sure you go at the same time that you plan on using it. If you don't, you may be in for a surprise. It could be too crowded for you, or there could be loud distracting cardio classes going on, etc.
Talk to the staff and ask them questions. If they don't seem like they want to help you or can't answer your questions, then you may be better to look elsewhere.
Are the body building gyms you're looking at going to be open at the time that's best for you? Especially on the weekends or holidays?
Do the body building gyms have the equipment and/or services that you need? Make a list of the type of equipment you use during your body building programs and take it with you.
Click here for the best body building programs available.
How clean and maintained is the equipment, exercise mats, change rooms, etc.?
Is it too small or overcrowded?
Are the staff members qualified and certified trainers? Even if you don't plan on using a personal trainer it's good to know that they are there to help if you need them at some point in the future.
Take a close look at the contract and ask to take a copy of it home so you can read through it. If they say no, and want you to sign before you go out the door, just leave.
If they're honest they'll have nothing to hide.
On the contract notice if it contains a list all services that are provided and included with your membership. If the sales person makes you a promise or a special offer you need to get it in writing.
Make sure you know the exact cost of everything that's included in your membership including enrollment fees, extra finance charges, etc.
Do you have full access of all the facilities or do some things cost more?
What's the length of the membership?
Is there a trial period that allows you to cancel the contract and get your money back if you find that it doesn't suit your needs?
If any body building gyms require that you give them a deposit or your credit card number before you've had an opportunity to carefully read over the contract, just politely say "No thanks" and get up and leave.
Are there any cancellation or refund policies if you move away, cannot exercise for a number of months, etc.
As a final note, never join a gym that hasn't opened. A lot of new bodybuilding gyms offer a special promotion if you become a member a few months before they're scheduled to open.
This is a very shady practice as anything can happen and you may be out all of your money without ever setting foot in the place.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Beginner Body Building Program Basics And... 10 Body Building Secrets To Improve Your Beginner Body Building Program

Beginner body building program details can vary a great deal. Expert beliefs on what body building programs someone just starting out should follow all usually very different.
The only real thing that can be agreed upon is that your beginner body building program needs to have a clear goal set out before you start.

You can do this by asking yourself the following questions:

  • Why do you want to start body building in the first place?
  • What improvements do you hope see?
  • What is your long-term body building goal?

If you don't have this critical part of your beginner body building program figured out in great detail before hitting the gym you'll never make the progress you want and you'll surely fall well short of both your short-term and long-term body building goals.
Body building success is based on making a commitment and having the motivation to follow-through to your goals.
There's so much basic information on how to put together a good beginner body building program on the internet and in some body building magazines but if you do not begin in the right direction your efforts may be wasted.
So prior to starting your beginner bodybuilding program; Prior to looking at your nutrition plan; & Prior to buying any body builder supplements you have to ask yourself these important questions:

  • Do you really believe in yourself enough that you feel confident you'll reach your goals? And;
  • Are you prepared to make a true commitment?

Hopefully you answered yes. If you did, that's great, you can continue reading or click here for the best beginner body building program available.
If you answered no then you should go back and take some time to think about what it is you really want to do.
Regardless of what body building program you perform there are a few basic questions that most beginners have, such as:

  • What do I need to do to add more lean muscle?
  • What do I have to do to increase my strength?
  • Am I healthy to even start a body building program?
  • Do I have to eat special foods?
  • How many times each day should I consume a meal?
  • Do I have to eat at specific times or does it matter?
  • Are there any good body building meal plans I can follow?
  • How many calories should my body building diet contain?
  • Do I need specific body builder supplements?

Throughout the body building section on our site, all of these questions and many more will be answered for you.
When starting any beginner bodybuilding program you will surely be interested in some body builder supplements. However, we are not going to make up a list for you here because the type of supplements you use, if any, will depend on your goals and your beginner body building program itself.
Here are some things to keep in mind, however.
Pick up any body building magazine or go to online supplement stores and you'll find the same thing: they are promote every body builder supplement as being the best product ever developed.
All of this marketing "noise" is just hype in order to increase sales put out by the companies that manufacture the body builder supplements.
Make up your own mind about how truthful these ads are. Don’t you think it's a conflict of interest?
Elsewhere on this site you'll find more detailed information on the subject of body builder supplements, but just make sure that you talk to your doctor before taking any body builder supplements.
A lot of "so-called" body building experts will tell you that you need supplements when on any body building program and while it is true that some will help you perform better and speed up your results remember this: there's no "magic pill" out there that will do the job for you.
No body builder supplements will replace a good beginner body building program and nutritional plan.

"Here Are Some Body Building Secrets For Your Beginner BodyBuilding Program"

Body Building Secrets #1: Before starting any beginner bodybuilding program see your doctor to ensure you are in good health. Body building adds a lot of stress to your body so it's good to make sure your healthy
Body Building Secrets #2: Determine clear goals before starting any beginner bodybuilding program. Both long-term and short-term goals should be examined
If you set goals that are too high, you will probably fail.
Goals that are set too high may cause you to give up entirely.
Body Building Secrets #3: This tip goes in-line with the above tip. When setting your goals and then achieving them, reward yourself. This will help you to keep motivated and keep going.
Body Building Secrets #4: Make sure you can continue on financially with your beginner body building program after you start.
Make a monthly budget that includes, gym fees, body builder supplements, groceries, etc.
You'll also be able to determine if you can afford bodybuilding home gym equipment or if you need to look for bodybuilding gyms in your area.
Body Building Secrets #5: If you decide that you want to perform your beginner body building program at home then check online exercise equipment stores as well as used exercise equipment stores.
Used body building equipment is just as good as new but at a fraction of

Body Building Secrets #6:Stay on track with good body building meal plans! Your body building diet is just as important as your beginner body building program.
Body Building Secrets #7:Continuing with the above tip, check online and offline resources to develop your body building meal plans.
Body Building Secrets #8:If you decide on using body builder supplements get educated first by once again researching as much as you can.
Body Building Secrets #9: Talk to others in the gym (if you belong to one) and ask their advice. Also ask the staff at your gym for advice and guidance.
Body Building Secrets #10: Don't be hard on yourself if you make a mistake now and then. Making mistakes is sometimes the best way to learn and improve.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Bodybuilding Home Gym Equipment Doesn't Have To Be Expensive

Bodybuilding Home Gym Equipment Just Needs To Be Geared To Your Specific Body Building Needs

Bodybuilding home gym equipment may be fairly expensive depending on your needs and body building goals. Is bodybuilding home gym equipment better than obtaining a gym membership?
Well the answer to that is yes & no. For some people it's not an option to join a gym. If you live in an area that's too far away from a good body building gym then you don’t have any choice.
The only downside is that it can be expensive if you're not careful. Here we will discuss what you need for a good bodybuilding home gym and hopefully save you money in the process.
To get started, andbefore you buy any bodybuilding home gym equipment you must first determine your body building goals, both long-term and short-term.
For this discussion, and to make it as simple as possible, we'll assume you are interested in adding lean muscle and building a muscular and lean body.
Now, make a list of the bodybuilding home gym equipment stores in your area. You need to check out all of them because prices can vary greatly.
Then go to all of the bodybuilding home gym equipment stores in your area to see what they have available. The first thing you'll notice is the extremely high cost of most of the bodybuilding home gym equipment at each store.
If you can afford all of the bodybuilding home gym equipment you need then make a purchase and get started. However, most people involved with body building can't do that.
So one of the best and most over-looked places to find bodybuilding home gym equipment is actually online. More often than not, online exercise equipment stores have great deals and excellent payment options.
The big drawback is that you can't try any of the equipment before you order it to make sure it will suit your needs.
This doesn't mean that you shouldn't try your local exercise equipment stores; it's just a good option to keep in mind.
Another alternative are the many "used" exercise equipment stores that seem to be popping up almost daily. Since gym quality body building equipment is made to last a lifetime, you may be able to get what you need at a very reasonable cost indeed.
In cases such as this you'll find near perfect bodybuilding home gym equipment that was originally purchased by body builders who now wanted to join a gym for various reasons or body building enthusiasts who thought they would try body building to see what it was like only to realize it wasn't something they wanted.
Now let's look at the types of bodybuilding home gym equipment you should be considering.
The bodybuilding home gym equipment you need #1: Free Weights
Free weights are the most basic, most cost effective and most results effective and best home gym equipment options for all aspects of body building. Free weights of course consist of barbells, dumbbells and weight plates.
The main reason for being called free weights is due to the fact that they are not restricted by cables, pins or pulleys and you can perform an unimaginable number of effective body building exercises with them.
Now you need to be aware that free weights typically come in both "standard" & "Olympic". While the Olympic weights will cost you a little bit more they are well worth it.
You simply can't compare the two when it comes to body building. Standard free weights just won't hold up. They're not strong enough and therefore can be dangerous for most involved in body building.
So do yourself a favor and stay clear of the "standard" free weights. They are not worth it and will not give you the results you're looking for.
You can easily tell the difference between both types. The Olympic bars are thicker with a much thicker end piece and the weights for this bar have a larger hole. The standard bars are thin and use plates with a small hole.
Olympic bars are usually 4 to 7 feet long and can weigh 15 to 45 pounds. There are also many "specialized" Olympic bars available on the market as well.
These "specialty" bars are designed for specific muscles such as biceps, triceps, trapezius muscles, etc.
The weights are held on by collars or sleeves. And yes, you can find "fixed weight" bars but this is not effective for most bodybuilding home gym equipment as you can't change the weights.
Olympic bodybuilding home gym equipment bars can hold up to 1500 pounds so they will last you for a long time. Very few in body building have ever done a lift of 1500 pounds.
You will need all of the most basic increments of weight plates for your Olympic bars. This will consist of the following (remember, you need an even number of each weight):

  • 2 1/2 pound plates
  • 5 pound plates
  • 10 pound plates
  • 25 pound plates
  • 35 pound plates
  • 45 pound plates

In most cases, both in online stores and in traditional bodybuilding home gym equipment stores you'll find package deals that include an Olympic bar, various weights and collars for a reasonable price.
But unfortunately they usually don't come with a bench and you'll definitely need one. This doesn't mean that they never include a bench, just check around both online and off. You'll be surprised a what offers come around now and then.
The bodybuilding home gym equipment you need #2: A good multi bench.
As with the free weights, you'll find a lot of different types of benches. Make sure you get an adjustable one and one that's rated for heavy weights.
By adjusting the incline or decline, you'll be able to perform quite a number of different body building exercises. It's also good to get one that either contains a squat attachment or buy a power rack in addition to the bench.
The body building home gym equipment you don't necessarily need (unless you have a ton of money to spend): Multi-station Machines.
Unfortunately all body building equipment of this type is very expensive. The good news is that if you can afford it, you should get it. Multi station bodybuilding home gym equipment can very effectively add to the success of your over-all body building program.
Most of the exercises performed on this type of body building equipment add tremendously to the free weight portion of any body building programs.
With the multi station machines you can perform leg extensions, curls, lat pulldowns, triceps pushdowns, cable flyes, and the list goes on.
The downside to body building home gym equipment like this is that it will take up a tremendous amount of room. So even before you decide that you have enough money – decide if you have enough room.
If you and a body building partner will be exercising together then it makes a lot of sense.
The body building home gym equipment you don't need: Variable Resistance Machines
What are variable resistance machines?
Anything that resembles a Nautilus® or Bowflex® product. These offer an alternative to weight training for some but not for body builders.
There are no advantages for body building. You need free weights and possibly some multi station cable machines if you want to succeed.
Now we'll get off track a little bit here because the above mentioned machines do have some good fitness benefits – just not for the dedicated body builder.
The main exercise advantage is that your muscles are reported to be under continuous stress for the entire range of movement. This is effective in exercising your muscles in order to see a physical improvement.
This type of body building home gym equipment will permit you to determine the exact amount of weight you desire.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Different Types Of Steroids In Body Building

There Are Many Different Types Of Steroids That You Need To Avoid

Different types of steroids are being used by many people in body building.
Even athletes participating in many different types of sports have been using steroids to improve performance and build muscle for over 90 years.

The non-medical use of different types of steroids is widespread among athletes engaged in power sports such as power-lifting, body building, baseball, football and rugby.
The popularity stems from their perceived contribution to increase muscle bulk and strength and to improve competitiveness. There are more than one million estimated users of different types of steroids in the United States alone.
Approximately 2% of athletes between the ages of 10 and 14, and 5% to 10% of high school athletes have used many types of steroids, even though their use is prohibited. In addition, approximately 5% of college athletes currently use different types of steroids.
Because of legal and administrative issues it is difficult to estimate the number of Olympic and professional athletes currently using the drugs. However, a number of Olympic Gold Medalists have had their medals withdrawn for using different types of steroids.
The use of steroids that people believe are safe steriods for improved competitiveness violates ethical principles and is strictly prohibited by the military services as well as the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) and other national sports governing bodies.
Avoid the many different types of steroids and click here to take a sound approach to body building and athletic success.

"What Are Steroids & How Do They Work?"

The answer to the question - What are steriods - is simple. They are synthetic derivatives of the hormone testosterone, which is responsible for the development of male characteristics.
The pituitary gland in the brain controls the production of testosterone in the male testes. Testosterone has both androgenic (masculinizing effects) and anabolic (tissue-building) properties. The main functions of testosterone in an adult are to:

  • Promote secondary male sex characteristics, such as hair patterns and deepening of voice
  • Increase muscle mass
  • Initiate and maintain sperm production

Different anabolic steroids were developed by structurally altering testosterone to reduce its breakdown, and to maximize its tissue-building (anabolic) effects. The more common different types of steroids are listed below.
This class of steroids was first used therapeutically to treat certain disorders of the blood, bone mass deterioration, protein wasting states, and as a replacement therapy for male children deficient in testosterone.
Anabolic steroids used in body building and sports should not be confused with corticosteroids which act as anti-inflammatory agents and are used to treat a variety of medical conditions.
Please be aware that no steroids are safe steroids.
Many Types Of Steroids Used In Body Building & Sports
Generic Name: Bolasterone - Street Name: n/a
Generic Name: Boldenone - Street Name: Vebonol
Generic Name: Clostebol - Street Name: Steranobol
Generic Name: DehydroehIarmethyItestosterone - Street Name: Turnibol
Generic Name: Fluoxymesterone - Street Name: Android F, Halotestin, Ora-testryl
Generic Name: Mesterolone - Street Name: Androviron, Proviron
Generic Name: Metandienone - Street Name: Danabol, Dianabol
Generic Name: Metenolone - Street Name: Primoboian, Primonabol-Depot
Generic Name: Methandrostenolone - Street Name: Dianabol
Generic Name: MethyItestosterone - Street Name: Android, Estratest, Methartdren
Generic Name: Nandrolone - Street Name: Durabolin, Deca-Durabolin
Generic Name: Norethandrolone - Street Name: Nilevar
Generic Name: Oxandrolone - Street Name: Anavar
Generic Name: Oxymesterone - Street Name: Oranabol, Theranabol
Generic Name: Oxymetholone - Street Name: Anadrol, Nilevar, Anapoton 50
Generic Name: Stonozolol - Street Name: Winstrol, Stroma
Generic Name: Testosterone - Street Name: Malogen, Malogex, Delatestryl
Generic Name: Human Growth Hormone - Street Name: Human Growth Hormone
Here we will review & explain some more types of steroids.
Growth Hormone
Different steroids such as Human growth hormone (hGH) is a hormone produced in the brain, The hormone is commonly used to increase the height of very short children and until recently to increase strength in the elderly.
Athletes have been known to use many types of steroids such as hGH at a black market cost of about $2,000 for an 8-week course. The known, effects of many types of steroids such as hGH in, the athlete are shown below.
Physiologic Effects of Growth Hormone

  • Increases muscle mass
  • Increases fat breakdown for energy
  • Conserves blood glucose and muscle glycogen storage
  • Increases height in the skeletally immature individual
  • Increases size of hands, feet, and jaw
  • Enhances healing of musculoskeletal injuries

Unfortunately, the increase in muscle mass does not increase muscle strength as much as strength training. No increase in height has been seen in a fully grown person, however, different types of steroids such as hGH may increase hand, foot, jaw and body size.
Not exactly something you may want.
There is little known about the adverse effects of many different anabolic steroids such as hGH use in the normal body building athlete, but the skeletal muscle growth may be abnormal and therefore the muscles may be weak.
Given that steroids used in body building such as hGH use is banned by the IOC, NFL, NCAA and most sports governing bodies, it should not be used.
Clenbuterol, like many other types of steroids is a drug used by veterinarians to increase muscle mass in livestock, is being used by many in body building.
However, like many different steroids used in body building increases in muscle strength have not been shown in humans.
In addition, there are numerous adverse side effects, including rapid heart rate, muscle tremors, headaches, nausea, dizziness, fever and chills. Although technically classified as a B2-agonist, it is officially considered an anabolic agent by the USOC, and is thus on their list of prohibited different types of steroids.
Steroids like Erythropoietin (EPO) are used by endurance athletes, but not so much in body building, to improve performance. One type of EPO, called rEPO or rhEPO, is used to treat a number of blood diseases.
Athletes use steroids like rEPO because it increases the red blood cell count by stimulating red blood cell production and speeding red blood cell release from the bone marrow to the blood stream. The rod blood cells carry oxygen to the muscles, so more red cells mean more oxygen.
The effects of many steroids like rEPO are actually similar to those seen in any athlete who trains at altitude. In order for these changes to occur, the athlete must have an adequate iron intake and maintain an aerobic training schedule.
As with many types of steroids, the increase in red blood cell, production can cause a number of significant adverse effects.
The types of steroids like this can cause high blood pressure, a flu-like syndrome, and a sluggish blood flow. Blood flow becomes sluggish when the percentage of red blood cells reaches 55%. Normal ranges are 4096 to 48% in men and 36% to 45% in women.
Sluggish blood flow causes a variety of complaints, including headache, dizziness, ringing in the ears, visual changes, and chest pain.
Other possible complications from different types of steroids like this are heart attack, seizure, or stroke due to a blockage of blood flow. Up to 18 deaths due to different types of steroids like rEPO have been reported in cyclists.
The use of blood doping or different types of steroids like rEPO is prohibited by all sport governing bodies.

"Summary Of The Many Types Of Steroids Used In Body Building & Other Sports"

In conclusion, none of the different types of steroids discussed above offer any guarantee that your performance will improve. However, there is a good chance you could compromise your health & future by using even just one of the different types of steroids available in body building.
The benefits of different types of steroids are limited and the potential harmful effects of different types of steroids are clear.
Our advice is to keep up with your training according to the methods described in other body building sections on this site or by clicking herefor a recommended resource.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Bad Side Effects Of Steroids

Many Body Building Enthusiasts Suffer From The Bad Side Effects Of Steroids
Educate Yourself Properly

Bad side effects of steroids are quite common in the world of body building and sports of all kinds. Everyone reacts differently to anabolic steroids and therefore can end up with many of the different bad side effects of steroids that someone else may not experience.It's long been known that continuous use of anabolic steroids in the body building world is strongly linked to numerous negative side effects of anabolic steroids.A lot of these negative effects of steroids are not predictable on the basis of the dose or frequency with which they are used.
Most body builders are not educated on the use of steroids, because of legal implications of course, so these potentially dangerous products are taken without any supervision from an experienced and qualified doctor.
This is the main reason for so many bad side effects of steroids. In addition to steroids being illegal for use in the first place, there have been many reports of serious illness or deaths resulting from their use.
Anabolic steroids may falsely increase the perception of strength and cause those involved in recreational body building to try and lift heavier weights than physically possible.
So one of the negative side effects of steroids in this case is the possibility of torn muscles and ruptured tendons, more specifically tears of your biceps and deltoids, because the strength of muscles increases more rapidly than the strength of tendons.
More negative effects of steroids include an impairment of the immune system. Unfortunately this serious problem is not usually detected until after the use of steroids has stopped.
For all people involved in body building or any sport for that matter, it's critical to your success to protect your immune system. When body building you are placing your body under tremendous stress that you may not realize.
It's for this reason and for the prevention of the bad side effects of steroids we recommend using the product found by clicking here.
Negative side effects of steroids also include the possible transmission of hepatitis B and AIDS from sharing needles or even just the drugs themselves.
More negative effects of steroids include the development of various cancers associated with the use of anabolic steroids. This includes, but is not limited to liver, cardiovascular, hormonal, reproductive and nervous systems.
The most frequently reported negative effects of steroids are listed below.
Many of these negative effects of steroids are reversible when the steroids are discontinued, but be aware that some can also be permanent or irreversible.
It's been found that if steroids are used in young athletes, whether they are involved in body building or any sport, that the steroids will limit final body height because steroids cause an early end to bone growth.
Clearly, the negative effects of steroids far outweigh any benefits anabolic steroids may offer to anyone involved in body building.
As mentioned before one of the most common negative side effects of steroids involve liver dysfunction. This serious medical problem occurs frequently in body building with those who use oral anabolic steroids and it may cause jaundice.
Peliosis hepatitis, a condition where blood filled cysts develop within the liver, has also been reported in addition to the bad side effects of steroids mentioned above.
The negative effects of steroids involving the cardiovascular system in both men and women include high blood pressure, increases in serum cholesterol concentration and serum LDL (the bad cholesterol), and a decrease in serum HDL (the good cholesterol).
Heart attacks, strokes, and blood clots in the lungs have also been reported as direct bad side effects of steroids.
The bad side effects of steroids involving the hormonal system in men include decreased natural testosterone production, decreased sperm count, production of abnormal sperm and shrinkage of the testes.
Breast tissue enlargement problems are also common side effects of anabolic steroids in men as is acne, glucose intolerance, and baldness.
The negative side effects of steroids in a woman's hormonal system is slightly different and includes a thickening of the vocal cords resulting in a deeper male voice, male pattern baldness, facial hair growth and enlargement of the clitoris, all of which are irreversible bad side effects of steroids in a woman.
Other negative side effects of steroids in women include breast tissue shrinkage, menstrual irregularities, infertility, glucose intolerance and extreme acne.
Perhaps the most significant short-term bad side effects of steroids are the psychologic changes associated with anabolic steroid use.
For both men and women in body building who use anabolic steroids there is increased aggression, rage reactions ("roid rage"), altered libido, anxiety and panic disorders, psychosis ("body building psychosis"), depression, mania and various types of addictions.
Again, these negative side effects of steroids are undesirable for anyone in body building or any other aspect of life. It is extremely important to note that many of the bad side effects of steroids may cause permanent impairment, and some are potentially, if not outright, lethal.
Negative Effects Of Steroids In Men: Physiologic and Psychological
Physiological Effects
Side effects of anabolic steroids that are irreversible include:

  • Breast enlargement in men
  • Atrophy of the testicles

Side effects of anabolic steroids that may be reversible include:

  • Decreased sperm production
  • AcceIerated baldness
  • Decreased testosterone levels
  • Elevation of cholesterol
  • Liver tumors
  • High blood pressure
  • Acne
  • Liver dysfunction

Psychological Side Effects Of Anabolic Steroids:

  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Mood swings
  • Addiction
  • Mania
  • Psychosis
  • Excessive aggressiveness

There are many so-called steroid alternatives on the market that claim to give you the positive benefits of steroids (increased muscle, strength, etc.) without any of the bad side effects of steroids but don't fall for them
It's almost a daily occurrence in the world of body building where someone gets arrested for selling steroids. This shows just how wide spread this problem is.
So keep in mind that in addition to the many bad side effects of steroids, there are serious legal problems that can occur. In another body building section on this site we discuss some of the legal problems as well.
More and more famous athletes, not involved in body building are being discovered as steroid users. It's surprising with all of the information on anabolic steroids including the various bad side effects of steroids & legal implications that so many professional people continue to use them.
Anabolic steroids are controlled substances and using them is punishable by law in most countries. Period. As mentioned above, the subject of steroid legality is discussed in further detail elsewhere in our body building section.
Some of the addition bad side effects of steroids result from the few very dishonest people out there who go of their way to use other chemicals that act like anabolic steroids but aren't really the same thing.
This is very dangerous practice and can lead to the most dangerous bad side effects of steroids you can experience. This type of steroid includes prescription drugs, different types of veterinary medications, unapproved & untested drugs and some body builder supplements.
The government recently completed a decades long study and collected more than 3,000 drug samples from the so-called black market.
The resulting tests found that many of these anabolic steroids used in body building were not actually steroids at all, but other prescription drugs that had the potential to be more dangerous than many of the negative side effects of steroids themselves.
Earlier we discussed the more serious bad side effects of steroids but here is general list of some additional negative side effects of steroids ranging from minor to the most severe.

  • greasy skin
  • headache
  • severe acne
  • premature balding
  • bloating associated with water retention
  • dizziness
  • chills
  • drowsiness
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • muscle tremors
  • fever
  • fast heart rate
  • slowed heart rate
  • bloody diarrhea
  • seizure-like movements
  • lowered blood pressure
  • breathing difficulty
  • breathing cessation
  • blood clots
  • cardiovascular problems
  • liver disease
  • cancer
  • heart attack
  • stroke
  • death

The bottom line is this: If you want to avoid the negative side effects of steroids don't take them. If you are interested in body building and want to build lean muscle the healthy way then stay away from anabolic steroids.
For a very good body building resource that comes highly recommended, just click here.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Body Builder Supplements Do Work But…

Body builder supplements are in every magazine, gym and store that sells supplements. But how do you choose the best body builder supplements to see the best body building results?
It's a fact that if you are serious about improving your physique by gaining lean muscle and burning off all your body fat, you will need to use supplements.

But you need to realize that supplements are just that – they should supplement your diet and the exercises you do in the gym or at home.
You should never look for any supplements to do the work for you. There is no such thing as a magic pill or powder.
Body builder supplements should be added in to your over all body builder routine.
You don't necessarily need any body builder supplements to improve your physical appearance, it's just that certain body builder supplements will make your results better and you'll see them quicker.
If you look for any body builder supplements on the internet you will be confronted with hundreds of thousands of different websites each selling thousands of different body builder supplements.
It's counterproductive to just grab a handful of whatever body builder supplements you happen to see and use them not taking into account your physique goals.
No body building supplements will do the job for you. Supplements can be added into your bodybuilding program to assist you. Some body builder supplements can give you a slight edge and you can make better gains by using them, but they will only work if you stick to your program.
Some body building supplements may provide nutrients that are normally lacking in your bodies cells or are not available in the proper amounts through your diet.
For example we don't ingest enough essential fatty acids through our diet to support certain vital body functions and we do not necessarily take enough to enjoy the benefits of fat loss.
Providing extra amounts of body building supplements like this may help your body to regulate its natural functions. Anyone can use supplements to help support to their physique development goals.
The trick is to figure out which ones work, which ones don't and which ones will suit your particular needs.
However, it's important to note that no supplement is the magic answer to your bodybuilding or fitness goals. In order to see the benefits of body builder supplements, you have to first ensure that you are participating in an effective exercise program and are maintaining a proper diet.
When you are, body building supplements can help you get better gains, faster and easier, but only if you use them properly.
Here are some of the more popular body building supplements. This is only a very tiny fraction of what is actually available.
Fat burners: This type of supplement can be used for a slight edge but what fat burners are safe & effective for immediate fat loss?
Fat burners cause a lot of confusion to most people trying to get completely ripped. The reason for this is that the variety of fat burning and fat loss products on the market is staggering.
There are literally thousands of fat burning supplements being sold all with varying amounts of different ingredients. It's no wonder that you may be confused about which fat burners to use, if they're safe, or if any of them even work!
The good news is that there is at least one resource on body building supplements that does indeed help you achieve the desired results.
Vitamins and minerals: Do you really need to supplement with vitamins and minerals if you’re trying to build a lot of muscle and get very lean?
Yes indeed!
But first, what exactly are vitamins and why are they important for bodybuilding and physique enhancement?
Vitamins are essentially nutrients and organic matter that serve as the workings of enzymes and coenzymes. Enzymes are essential for speeding up chemical reactions that take place in your body.
Coenzymes support enzymes in implementation of their life-sustaining functions. This is what controls your body’s metabolic processes.
In the past 5 or 6 decades or so almost all the food we eat have become nutrient deficient. No longer does the food you eat contain the nutrients that are required for health.
Nutrients used to replenish the soil and transfer into the plants, but since farming techniques have changed drastically the nutrient content of the crops has almost been eliminated.
The nutrient loss in food is accelerated even more with storing, drying, freezing and processing. Supplementation with vitamins is necessary for long-term health.
Remember this – if your health suffers so will your body building efforts.
Protein: Although protein is plentiful in North America, protein deficiency among those wanting to drastically change their physical appearance is surprisingly quite common.
But the main questions are what's the best type of protein and in what amount to build a tremendously lean, muscular physique? Well actually, the answer to this question isn't that difficult to figure out.
Issues concerning protein have been debated for years in an effort to reveal the optimal amount of protein you should eat, the perfect time to protein and finally, the best type of protein.
There are a lot of different types of protein but you just need to stick with the types most commonly associated with body building.
Meal replacements: Meal replacements are a very important part of your over-all nutrition plan in your quest to build lots of lean muscle.
It's so tough to eat a highly nutritious meal 6 times a day for peak performance. Meal replacements help to make it possible.
Meal replacements are pre-packaged powdered drink mixes that you mix with water, milk, or juice and then drink in the place of a meal. They are convenient, inexpensive, and most taste pretty good.
They help to provide a perfect, compact meal in a packet that is high in protein, low in fat (some have no fat) contain the proper amounts and types of carbohydrates. They are also low in sugar and cholesterol.
It's so difficult to get the same benefits from whole food as you can from some of the high quality meal replacements. How many of us have the time to put together a large meal with chicken breast, a potato for some carbohydrates, and a salad six times a day?
Most meal replacements, if taken with water, offer at least 40 grams of protein with minimal fat. Most are under 300 calories, have numerous vitamins and minerals, and taste good.
Testosterone boosters: Testosterone boosters, and there are a lot of different ones out there, are designed to either directly or indirectly affect your androgen.
Testosterone boosters have become one of the most popular supplements sold in North America. Unfortunately, most people who use this type of supplement expect to notice a drastic difference immediately after using it.
But in reality no body builder supplements work that quick.
If you do notice feeling any different it will be things like having a little bit of trouble falling asleep, slight aggressiveness or irritability, and an increased sex drive.
Everyone is different and will respond to things in a different manner.
If you are using an effective testosterone booster you should notice that you're making slight strength increases quicker than normal. You may also notice that you're losing some body fat while on a high calorie diet to increase muscle.
A problem that has been noticed with a lot of these products is lack of proper absorption. In addition, the effects are last for a very short time so you end up taking a lot more than you should.
So you need to be careful and select a testosterone booster that doesn't have these particular problems. It has also been suggested to cycle any testosterone booster you may use so it won't briefly shut down your own production of testosterone

"Valuable Summary Of What You Need
To Know About Body Builder Supplements"

There are literally thousands of different body builder supplements available with each one claiming to be the best.
But you need to remember that a lean, muscular body doesn't miraculously happen overnight. Building a lean, muscular body takes the proper body building exercises, time, patience, diet and certain body builder supplements.
Don't make the same mistake that so many other body builders do and waste thousands of dollars on useless body builder supplements and in some cases, dangerous body builder supplements.
If you really want to use body builder supplements to enhance your physique while at the same time saving a ton of money avoiding body builder supplements that do not work, then you should check out some very critical information about the best body builder supplements used to increase testosterone that are currently on the market.
In addition to particular combinations of body building supplements that actually are safe and do work, they have information on other additional products that help to increase testosterone levels so you can build a lean, muscular and attractive body in the shortest possible time.
The ingredients in some of these supplements for body builders work amazingly well and are well worth your time to check out.

Monday, September 19, 2011

No Body Building Diet Should Be Difficult

In Fact A Body Building Diet Will Be Extremely Easy & Will Improve Your Body Building Efforts If You Make A Few Adjustments

Body building diet information for body building competitions can be found almost anywhere. But what good is this type of a body building diet for those who don't compete but just want to build a very lean muscular physique or improve their athletic ability?The majority of people involved in weight lifting or body building aren't doing it for body building competitions.

They are actually doing it to improve their appearance and health so there is a need for a diet that will not only help to build lean muscle but a body building diet that will also burn off unsightly body fat.
You also need a body builder diet that is not only easy to implement but a body building diet that will stick. It's pointless to use any body builder diet or body building program if it's going to be too difficult to maintain.
With any type of body builder diet you will have to have a certain amount of discipline and self-control. In fact, at the start of even the easiest body building diet you will just have to suck it up and do it.
Because you can have all the body builder diet knowledge in the world but if you don't apply that knowledge you're doomed before you even start.
One of the first rules of a good and effective body building diet is too just keep it simple. It's a proven fact that most fitness and exercise failures are the result of people asking too much of themselves and trying to do too much too soon.
It's almost impossible to completely change your lifestyle habits, stick to a hard body building diet over-night and expect it to be easy and last.

"Tips For Making Your
Body Builder Diet Easier"

  • Take about an hour each week and plan your grocery list for the week. This would include all the food you will eat in your body builder diet, including any snacks.
  • Make sure you have one day set aside so you can go and actually buy the groceries you need.
  • Take one day to cook and freeze almost all of your meals for the week. This way everything is done and all you have to do is take it out the night before and let it thaw in the refrigerator or just pop into the microwave.
  • Shop for your groceries on a full stomach. If you do the shopping for you body builder diet after you've eaten you will be much less likely to buy junk.
  • Buy a small travel sized cooler that you can take in the car to work or wherever you happen to be going.

Planning your body builder diet and keeping track of it is easy. You'll find that if you follow these principles you will be able to stay committed to your physical and health goals.
In fact after a couple of weeks it will become second nature to you and you won't have to give it much thought.The key is to start doing things like this and getting used to it.
For the most part it will only take a couple of hours one day each week to plan out your body builder diet, go and get the groceries you need for your body builder diet and actually cook and prepare your food for the week.
One of the factors that will determine the success or failure of your body building diet is speed and convenience. This will put you in control.

"Body Builder Diet Strategies
For Lean Muscle & Strength Gains"

Your body builder diet should have as much variety as possible without compromising your goals. Each meal however should have an ample amount of high quality protein.
You should divide your daily calories into five to six meals each and not the two or three big ones that most people consume.
Since most food today is missing most of it's vitamins and minerals, you need to make sure you are taking a good quality multi-vitamin / mineral supplement each day with your body builder diet to make up for any nutrient deficiencies.
Obviously you need to avoid junk food and stay away from soda and beer.
Gaining lean muscle requires that you increase the amount of calories you eat everyday plus the amount of protein in your body building diet. One way, in addition to regular meals is to include a meal replacement product. Just don't rely on them for too many meals.
If you include a pre-workout drink in your body building program you will indeed make much better gains in lean muscle.
And what you take in your pre-workout meal will make the difference between a workout that gives you lean muscle, less fat and increased strength or one that is ineffective.
This type of a meal needs to be digested by your system quickly to provide the proper nutrients to fuel your workout and help your muscles grow.
This is one of the main reasons why your pre-workout drink must be liquid. In addition, make sure you water it down quite good.
With a good pre-workout drink as a part of your over-all body building diet you will ensure that you'll have enough energy for your entire workout. You will also be helping your body to decrease cortisol levels.
Your muscles will also be protected from being used as fuel during your body building workout.

"Avoid Body Builder Diet Mistakes"

The first and most obvious mistake most make with their body builder diet is to eat high fat, high carbohydrate foods such as chips, donuts, etc. Junk food should not be included in any body building diet at any time.
Make sure all of your meals are properly balanced and in proper body builder diet combinations. What this means is that you should eat meal combinations such as...
Protein and carbohydrates, with very little to no fat, but only about half of your daily meals should be this type, and try to eat at least one meal of this type immediately following your workout.
Protein and fat meals, with little to no carbohydrates, and again only about half of your meals should be like this. This type of meal combination should be used later on in the day when your metabolism is slowing down.
Now the one type of meal that you should never include in your body builder diet is a meal made up of just carbohydrates.
If you want to increase your lean muscle you need to eat more calories, it's that simple. By under eating you will never build any lean muscle.
You also have to make sure that you take in an ample amount of good quality protein with all of your meals.
A big mistake a lot of people make is not drinking enough water. Your body is made up of over 70 percent water and you must have a constant supply available.
Water helps to carry nutrients and waste throughout your body. It helps to flush toxins and contaminants from your body.
And, it can help to suppress your appetite during times of extreme dieting, improves kidney function, increases bowel efficiency and helps regulate to body temperature.
Well, you've probably heard it said many times that you should drink approximately 8 to 10 glasses of water each day. Most people don't even get close to that. Some think they are, because they are drinking liquids throughout the day.
For most people, a good rule of thumb is to drink as much as you possibly can. It's not going to hurt you, and for your body builder diet to work, you need lots of it.
The only thing that your body needs more of than water is oxygen. If you were to lose approximately 10 percent of the water in your body, it could pose significant health risks.
If you spend a lot of time in the outdoors, especially in the summertime, you'll also need to add more to your body building diet.
Click Here For A Great Body Building Resource

"Body Builder Diet Tips
For Burning Body Fat"

Don't make the biggest bodybuilding diet mistake of all time when trying to burn your body fat, and that is not eating enough. Most people when using a body builder diet to burn fat will drastically reduce their total calories. This is one of the worst things you can do.
Without enough calories your body start to convert muscle protein into energy. When you do this your metabolism will slow down and you will gain fat
Increase your intake of protein while at the same time reducing the amount of carbohydrates in your body builder diet.
With some body builder diet plans, drinking an excessive amount of water may actually help you to reach your goals much quicker. If you are on an extremely low carbohydrate body building diet, known as a Ketogenic Diet, water can actually help you see better results.
When you're on this type of a body building diet your body produces Ketones. What are ketones?
Ketones are basically a by-product of fat metabolism. These need to be flushed from your body. Having an abundant quantity of water in your body will ensure the Ketones will leave the body in your urine and not be used up as a source of fuel.
If you don't have enough water available in your system, the Ketones all have to be reprocessed and burned as fuel in the body.
Obviously, if you are on this type of a body building diet, it would be to your advantage to ensure that as many of these Ketones are flushed from your body as possible.
Try to eat more foods in your body builder diet that contain a good amount of fiber. Most people don't get enough fiber so make an extra effort to do so.

"Valuable Summary Of What You Need
To Know About Your Body Builder Diet"

Body building success and building a lean, muscular body doesn't miraculously happen overnight. Building a lean, muscular body takes the proper body building exercise program, time, patience, and an excellent body building diet.
Everyone makes mistakes with their body building diet but the key is to recognize those mistakes with your body building diet and correct them. A good body building diet will speed up and improve lean muscle gains and will help to drastically decrease your body fat.
Don't make the same body building diet mistakes that so many others do when trying to build a lean, muscular body. Pay strict attention to selecting the proper body building diet for the best body building results.
They are actually doing it to improve their appearance and health so there is a need for a diet that will not only help to build lean muscle but a body building diet that will also burn off unsightly body fat.If you really want to use a proper body building diet to your advantage you should check out an outstanding bodybuilding, fitness and health book, located further down this page, that will drastically add to the body builder diet information already discussed.You also need a body builder diet that is not only easy to implement but a body building diet that will stick. It's pointless to use any body builder diet or body building program if it's going to be too difficult to maintain.
With any type of body builder diet you will have to have a certain amount of discipline and self-control. In fact, at the start of even the easiest body building diet you will just have to suck it up and do it.
Because you can have all the body builder diet knowledge in the world but if you don't apply that knowledge you're doomed before you even start.
One of the first rules of a good and effective body building diet is too just keep it simple. It's a proven fact that most fitness and exercise failures are the result of people asking too much of themselves and trying to do too much too soon.
It's almost impossible to completely change your lifestyle habits, stick to a hard body building diet over-night and expect it to be easy and last.

"Tips For Making Your
Body Builder Diet Easier"

  • Take about an hour each week and plan your grocery list for the week. This would include all the food you will eat in your body builder diet, including any snacks.
  • Make sure you have one day set aside so you can go and actually buy the groceries you need.
  • Take one day to cook and freeze almost all of your meals for the week. This way everything is done and all you have to do is take it out the night before and let it thaw in the refrigerator or just pop into the microwave.
  • Shop for your groceries on a full stomach. If you do the shopping for you body builder diet after you've eaten you will be much less likely to buy junk.
  • Buy a small travel sized cooler that you can take in the car to work or wherever you happen to be going.

Planning your body builder diet and keeping track of it is easy. You'll find that if you follow these principles you will be able to stay committed to your physical and health goals.
In fact after a couple of weeks it will become second nature to you and you won't have to give it much thought.The key is to start doing things like this and getting used to it.
For the most part it will only take a couple of hours one day each week to plan out your body builder diet, go and get the groceries you need for your body builder diet and actually cook and prepare your food for the week.
One of the factors that will determine the success or failure of your body building diet is speed and convenience. This will put you in control.

"Body Builder Diet Strategies
For Lean Muscle & Strength Gains"

Your body builder diet should have as much variety as possible without compromising your goals. Each meal however should have an ample amount of high quality protein.
You should divide your daily calories into five to six meals each and not the two or three big ones that most people consume.
Since most food today is missing most of it's vitamins and minerals, you need to make sure you are taking a good quality multi-vitamin / mineral supplement each day with your body builder diet to make up for any nutrient deficiencies.
Obviously you need to avoid junk food and stay away from soda and beer.
Gaining lean muscle requires that you increase the amount of calories you eat everyday plus the amount of protein in your body building diet. One way, in addition to regular meals is to include a meal replacement product. Just don't rely on them for too many meals.
If you include a pre-workout drink in your body building program you will indeed make much better gains in lean muscle.
And what you take in your pre-workout meal will make the difference between a workout that gives you lean muscle, less fat and increased strength or one that is ineffective.
This type of a meal needs to be digested by your system quickly to provide the proper nutrients to fuel your workout and help your muscles grow.
This is one of the main reasons why your pre-workout drink must be liquid. In addition, make sure you water it down quite good.
With a good pre-workout drink as a part of your over-all body building diet you will ensure that you'll have enough energy for your entire workout. You will also be helping your body to decrease cortisol levels.
Your muscles will also be protected from being used as fuel during your body building workout.

"Avoid Body Builder Diet Mistakes"

The first and most obvious mistake most make with their body builder diet is to eat high fat, high carbohydrate foods such as chips, donuts, etc. Junk food should not be included in any body building diet at any time.
Make sure all of your meals are properly balanced and in proper body builder diet combinations. What this means is that you should eat meal combinations such as...
Protein and carbohydrates, with very little to no fat, but only about half of your daily meals should be this type, and try to eat at least one meal of this type immediately following your workout.
Protein and fat meals, with little to no carbohydrates, and again only about half of your meals should be like this. This type of meal combination should be used later on in the day when your metabolism is slowing down.
Now the one type of meal that you should never include in your body builder diet is a meal made up of just carbohydrates.
If you want to increase your lean muscle you need to eat more calories, it's that simple. By under eating you will never build any lean muscle.
You also have to make sure that you take in an ample amount of good quality protein with all of your meals.
A big mistake a lot of people make is not drinking enough water. Your body is made up of over 70 percent water and you must have a constant supply available.
Water helps to carry nutrients and waste throughout your body. It helps to flush toxins and contaminants from your body.
And, it can help to suppress your appetite during times of extreme dieting, improves kidney function, increases bowel efficiency and helps regulate to body temperature.
Well, you've probably heard it said many times that you should drink approximately 8 to 10 glasses of water each day. Most people don't even get close to that. Some think they are, because they are drinking liquids throughout the day.
For most people, a good rule of thumb is to drink as much as you possibly can. It's not going to hurt you, and for your body builder diet to work, you need lots of it.
The only thing that your body needs more of than water is oxygen. If you were to lose approximately 10 percent of the water in your body, it could pose significant health risks.
If you spend a lot of time in the outdoors, especially in the summertime, you'll also need to add more to your body building diet.
Click Here For A Great Body Building Resource

"Body Builder Diet Tips
For Burning Body Fat"

Don't make the biggest bodybuilding diet mistake of all time when trying to burn your body fat, and that is not eating enough. Most people when using a body builder diet to burn fat will drastically reduce their total calories. This is one of the worst things you can do.
Without enough calories your body start to convert muscle protein into energy. When you do this your metabolism will slow down and you will gain fat
Increase your intake of protein while at the same time reducing the amount of carbohydrates in your body builder diet.
With some body builder diet plans, drinking an excessive amount of water may actually help you to reach your goals much quicker. If you are on an extremely low carbohydrate body building diet, known as a Ketogenic Diet, water can actually help you see better results.
When you're on this type of a body building diet your body produces Ketones. What are ketones?
Ketones are basically a by-product of fat metabolism. These need to be flushed from your body. Having an abundant quantity of water in your body will ensure the Ketones will leave the body in your urine and not be used up as a source of fuel.
If you don't have enough water available in your system, the Ketones all have to be reprocessed and burned as fuel in the body.
Obviously, if you are on this type of a body building diet, it would be to your advantage to ensure that as many of these Ketones are flushed from your body as possible.
Try to eat more foods in your body builder diet that contain a good amount of fiber. Most people don't get enough fiber so make an extra effort to do so.

"Valuable Summary Of What You Need
To Know About Your Body Builder Diet"

Body building success and building a lean, muscular body doesn't miraculously happen overnight. Building a lean, muscular body takes the proper body building exercise program, time, patience, and an excellent body building diet.
Everyone makes mistakes with their body building diet but the key is to recognize those mistakes with your body building diet and correct them. A good body building diet will speed up and improve lean muscle gains and will help to drastically decrease your body fat.
Don't make the same body building diet mistakes that so many others do when trying to build a lean, muscular body. Pay strict attention to selecting the proper body building diet for the best body building results.
If you really want to use a proper body building diet to your advantage you should check out an outstanding bodybuilding, fitness and health book, located further down this page, that will drastically add to the body builder diet information already discussed.

Body Building Programs That Guarantee Success

Body Building Programs For The Beginner Body Builder & Advanced Body Builders

Body building programs for advanced weight lifters are quite different from those for beginners. With this being said however, there are a number of things that remain constant.The first and most important thing you have to realize is that nutrition, just as much as the weight lifting aspect of your body building program, has to be taken seriously.

If you plan on building an amazing, lean, muscular physique, you need to have the proper nutrition and weight lifting plan set out before you start.
With any body building programs your success will in part depend on a number of very important aspects. Your genetic make is one factor that will go a long way to determine your level of success.
The reasons are numerous and include your natural levels of testosterone and growth hormone and the ratio of slow to fast twitch muscle fibers in each and every muscle in your body.
Almost all body building programs, as long as proper lifting technique and recovery methods are used, will increase your lean muscle. An increase in your lean muscle due to consistently lifting weights helps to improve your metabolism making it much easier to burn off body fat and get extremely lean and muscular.
When you increase your metabolism, you'll burn fat at a much quicker rate. Regardless of what you've read in magazines or seen on infomercials, the only way to increase your metabolism is by adding lean muscle through effective body building workouts!
Regardless of how good your program is you still need to make sure that all aspects are taken care of. This includes the nutrition and health portion of your body building programs.

"Most Important Aspects Of
Great Body Building Programs"

The main goal of all body building programs is to build as much lean muscle as you want on your body and burn as much body fat as possible, leaving you with a very lean, muscular and attractive physique.
But unfortunately most people who try to accomplish this will fail. The reason is that adding muscle and burning fat is hard if you don't know what you're doing.
If it was easy then there would not be any obesity problem and everyone would have a perfect body.
Now, the first thing you need to do when performing any of the various body building programs that are available, is to use correct form. Swinging any weights or just not keeping the weight under control will not only diminish your results but can cause a serious injury.
As you are probably aware, there are tons of different exercises, rep and set combinations, etc. that various body building programs will suggest. You also have to decide whether or not to use free weights, weight machines or a combination of both.
The fact is that machines and free weights both have their advantages but one thing to remember is that compound movements that require your body to use more than one muscle will always give you a greater degree of success.
Compound exercises will use more muscle fibers and muscle groups than any weight machine will. So yes, free weights are more effective, but does that mean that you should avoid using weight machines?
The answer is no.
Some machines can work certain muscles at an angle that just isn't possible with free weights. In addition, you need to change up your routine every now and then to keep your muscles from over training.
The diet aspect is the area that seems to get "left behind". Please realize this: your body building diet is just as important as the actual weightlifting phase.
If your aren't eating to grow new, lean muscle then your weight lifting efforts will be for not. You have to eat ample amounts of protein, good carbohydrates, and essential fatty acids in order to build a big, strong and lean body.

"Body Building Diet Basics"

First, make sure you eat at least 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight each day, regardless if you worked out or not.
It is hard to always do this with regular food and not be including huge amounts of fat at the same time, so it's ok to use supplements such as meal replacements, whey protein or even some of the various meal replacement bars that are available.
All junk food must be avoided at all times - but you already know that, don't you?
Take essential fatty acids in the form of flax oil and/or fish oil daily.
Most body building workouts, if they are not followed properly, will lead to over-training. You need to give your body the proper type of rest and enough time to recover from your workouts.
Over-training can be worse than missing the gym and not training at all.
The most common physical conditioning error for active individuals is over-training. Over-training is exactly what the word implies, a condition caused by: Too Much Physical Activity.
The athlete in professional or college sports has an off-season to rest injured muscles and tendons, utilize physical therapy, maximize strength and flexibility, and finally cycle back into his sport.
Most people on have no such luxury and training is a full time job. Typically you train to peak levels year round. It is this repetitive, peak performance conditioning schedule that may lead to over-training and overuse injuries.
The over-training syndrome can present with a wide range of physiologic or psychological symptoms which vary widely among individuals
There is no good laboratory or biochemical marker for over-training syndrome caused. The best indicators are resting heart rate in the morning and assessment of mood.
Resting heart rate taken daily just before getting out of bed, and monitored over time will give some indicator of fitness as well as fatigue. Individuals who are over-trained will show a resting heart rate which is 10-15 beats per minute higher than baseline when measured over a period of several days.
A day or two of abstaining from your body building program should show a return to baseline. If you were to continue body building programs despite the baseline elevation in heart rate, you will only become more over-trained.

"Additional Guidelines For Your
Body Building Program"

Performing many tasks requires all muscles of the upper and lower body to be developed in a balanced way. Circuit weight training or Split-routine workouts are the most common ways to maintain a musculoskeletal balance.
Circuit weight training consists of a progression from one station to the next such that over the course of the training period, both the upper and lower body are exercised. For split-routine training, different body areas are exercised on alternate days.
For example, on Monday and Thursday, the upper body would be exercised whereas on Tuesday and Friday the lower body would be exercised. By having a well designed strength program, you can expect to maintain a high level of fitness while reducing your risk of injury and fatigue.
Repetition Maximum or RM:
One term routinely used in body building programs is that of repetition maximum. A repetition maximum or RM is the maximum amount of weight you can lift for a given number of repetitions.
For example, your 1RM would be the amount of weight you could lift for only 1 repetition. Your 5RM would be the amount of weight you could lift for 5 repetitions. For example: if you can do 5 repetitions of an exercise with 50 lbs., he has a 5RM of 50 lbs.
Your 1 RM would be the amount of weight you can lift for only 1 repetition.
FITT: Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type
In order for you to perform most daily tasks, strength training is a key aspect that must not be overlooked. Understanding the concepts of Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type (FITT principle) will help you understand and maximize your training.
The frequency of training should be determined by the amount of time you have to spend your body building program. Your weight training time may be limited due to busy schedules, so keep this in mind when your start any body building programs.
For example, total body circuit training only needs to be performed twice a week, along with other training modes for optimal results. If two days of training cannot be achieved, one session will be better than none.
Split-routine training should be performed a minimum of two sessions per muscle group weekly to ensure total muscular balance, and thus consumes a greater amount of time than circuit training.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Body Building Risk Factors

The body building risk information here is general in nature. There are of course many different body building risk factors that seem to put up in newspapers, on television, etc.
Some of those risks are false while others do have some merit. We'll take a look at a few of them here.

Most risk factors you should be concerned with are the result of using poor form while you're in the gym, poor nutrition and poor or no supplementation.
Poor nutrition can easily be turned into excellent nutrition. Elsewhere on this site you'll find extensive body building tips and information on how to get the most out of your nutrition plan.
You can check out one supplement that will help you reduce the potential of body building risk factors related to your nutrition plan by clicking here.
Another risk factor associated with body builder supplements is that fact that there is an unscrupulous side to the body builder supplements industry.
And no discussion of bodybuilding risk factors would be complete without covering consumer health fraud. Many body builder supplements are ridiculous and should not be used by anyone.
Many of these products make outlandish claims and promise you unrealistic results.
Probably the biggest risks in body building, when it comes to body builder supplements, is the risk to your bank account.
With the internet marketing has unfortunately taken a turn towards an increase in unsavoury companies ready and willing to bilk unsuspecting body builders by selling them cheap and worthless body building products.
One area you should check out completely concerns the labeling of body builder supplements. Elsewhere on this site you'll find out how to do this.
Potentially, one of the most dangerous bodybuilding risk factors is of course steroids. Steroid body building risk factors are too complex to be included on this page so we have given this important area more attention on another body building section on this site.
The bodybuilding risk factors here presents a broader outline rather than substantive personal recommendations.
Marketing has more to do with body building risk factors than anything else. There isn't anything that can have a bigger influence on your body building success or failures than the extensive marketing on the internet & in the many body building magazines out there.
Unfortunately, as everything in our lives life, there are downsides. You have to protect yourself because there are thousands out there that are more than ready and willing to take your money and run.
In order for you to protect yourself from the risks in body building associated with marketing in magazines and the internet you have to take what you learn and do your homework. This is what we are trying to help you with on body building section of this site.
It's hard not to be misled by the outrageous guarantees and claims to "give you the ultimate body building body in 30 days or less". These claims are basically outright lies.
There are no miracle body builder supplements that will turn you into a "mountain of strength and muscle" overnight.
The only way you can avoid many body building risk factors is to put time and effort into your nutrition, exercise and well thought out body builder supplements. You cannot replace this with miracle products.
Please realize that it has taken you your entire life to end up with the body you currently have so it's impossible to completely reverse all of this in a mere 4 to 12 weeks!

Your body building effort and avoiding all bodybuilding risk factors begin with the six inches between your ears. You need a positive and realistic attitude to succeed. If you have unrealistic expectations you'll never get anywhere.
As much as you would like immediate body building results it just isn't going to happen. Anyone who leads you to believe otherwise will increase many bodybuilding risk factors that are easily avoidable.