Monday, September 19, 2011

Body Building Programs That Guarantee Success

Body Building Programs For The Beginner Body Builder & Advanced Body Builders

Body building programs for advanced weight lifters are quite different from those for beginners. With this being said however, there are a number of things that remain constant.The first and most important thing you have to realize is that nutrition, just as much as the weight lifting aspect of your body building program, has to be taken seriously.

If you plan on building an amazing, lean, muscular physique, you need to have the proper nutrition and weight lifting plan set out before you start.
With any body building programs your success will in part depend on a number of very important aspects. Your genetic make is one factor that will go a long way to determine your level of success.
The reasons are numerous and include your natural levels of testosterone and growth hormone and the ratio of slow to fast twitch muscle fibers in each and every muscle in your body.
Almost all body building programs, as long as proper lifting technique and recovery methods are used, will increase your lean muscle. An increase in your lean muscle due to consistently lifting weights helps to improve your metabolism making it much easier to burn off body fat and get extremely lean and muscular.
When you increase your metabolism, you'll burn fat at a much quicker rate. Regardless of what you've read in magazines or seen on infomercials, the only way to increase your metabolism is by adding lean muscle through effective body building workouts!
Regardless of how good your program is you still need to make sure that all aspects are taken care of. This includes the nutrition and health portion of your body building programs.

"Most Important Aspects Of
Great Body Building Programs"

The main goal of all body building programs is to build as much lean muscle as you want on your body and burn as much body fat as possible, leaving you with a very lean, muscular and attractive physique.
But unfortunately most people who try to accomplish this will fail. The reason is that adding muscle and burning fat is hard if you don't know what you're doing.
If it was easy then there would not be any obesity problem and everyone would have a perfect body.
Now, the first thing you need to do when performing any of the various body building programs that are available, is to use correct form. Swinging any weights or just not keeping the weight under control will not only diminish your results but can cause a serious injury.
As you are probably aware, there are tons of different exercises, rep and set combinations, etc. that various body building programs will suggest. You also have to decide whether or not to use free weights, weight machines or a combination of both.
The fact is that machines and free weights both have their advantages but one thing to remember is that compound movements that require your body to use more than one muscle will always give you a greater degree of success.
Compound exercises will use more muscle fibers and muscle groups than any weight machine will. So yes, free weights are more effective, but does that mean that you should avoid using weight machines?
The answer is no.
Some machines can work certain muscles at an angle that just isn't possible with free weights. In addition, you need to change up your routine every now and then to keep your muscles from over training.
The diet aspect is the area that seems to get "left behind". Please realize this: your body building diet is just as important as the actual weightlifting phase.
If your aren't eating to grow new, lean muscle then your weight lifting efforts will be for not. You have to eat ample amounts of protein, good carbohydrates, and essential fatty acids in order to build a big, strong and lean body.

"Body Building Diet Basics"

First, make sure you eat at least 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight each day, regardless if you worked out or not.
It is hard to always do this with regular food and not be including huge amounts of fat at the same time, so it's ok to use supplements such as meal replacements, whey protein or even some of the various meal replacement bars that are available.
All junk food must be avoided at all times - but you already know that, don't you?
Take essential fatty acids in the form of flax oil and/or fish oil daily.
Most body building workouts, if they are not followed properly, will lead to over-training. You need to give your body the proper type of rest and enough time to recover from your workouts.
Over-training can be worse than missing the gym and not training at all.
The most common physical conditioning error for active individuals is over-training. Over-training is exactly what the word implies, a condition caused by: Too Much Physical Activity.
The athlete in professional or college sports has an off-season to rest injured muscles and tendons, utilize physical therapy, maximize strength and flexibility, and finally cycle back into his sport.
Most people on have no such luxury and training is a full time job. Typically you train to peak levels year round. It is this repetitive, peak performance conditioning schedule that may lead to over-training and overuse injuries.
The over-training syndrome can present with a wide range of physiologic or psychological symptoms which vary widely among individuals
There is no good laboratory or biochemical marker for over-training syndrome caused. The best indicators are resting heart rate in the morning and assessment of mood.
Resting heart rate taken daily just before getting out of bed, and monitored over time will give some indicator of fitness as well as fatigue. Individuals who are over-trained will show a resting heart rate which is 10-15 beats per minute higher than baseline when measured over a period of several days.
A day or two of abstaining from your body building program should show a return to baseline. If you were to continue body building programs despite the baseline elevation in heart rate, you will only become more over-trained.

"Additional Guidelines For Your
Body Building Program"

Performing many tasks requires all muscles of the upper and lower body to be developed in a balanced way. Circuit weight training or Split-routine workouts are the most common ways to maintain a musculoskeletal balance.
Circuit weight training consists of a progression from one station to the next such that over the course of the training period, both the upper and lower body are exercised. For split-routine training, different body areas are exercised on alternate days.
For example, on Monday and Thursday, the upper body would be exercised whereas on Tuesday and Friday the lower body would be exercised. By having a well designed strength program, you can expect to maintain a high level of fitness while reducing your risk of injury and fatigue.
Repetition Maximum or RM:
One term routinely used in body building programs is that of repetition maximum. A repetition maximum or RM is the maximum amount of weight you can lift for a given number of repetitions.
For example, your 1RM would be the amount of weight you could lift for only 1 repetition. Your 5RM would be the amount of weight you could lift for 5 repetitions. For example: if you can do 5 repetitions of an exercise with 50 lbs., he has a 5RM of 50 lbs.
Your 1 RM would be the amount of weight you can lift for only 1 repetition.
FITT: Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type
In order for you to perform most daily tasks, strength training is a key aspect that must not be overlooked. Understanding the concepts of Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type (FITT principle) will help you understand and maximize your training.
The frequency of training should be determined by the amount of time you have to spend your body building program. Your weight training time may be limited due to busy schedules, so keep this in mind when your start any body building programs.
For example, total body circuit training only needs to be performed twice a week, along with other training modes for optimal results. If two days of training cannot be achieved, one session will be better than none.
Split-routine training should be performed a minimum of two sessions per muscle group weekly to ensure total muscular balance, and thus consumes a greater amount of time than circuit training.

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